mythical tales << back to books

Here comes a tale series

400,000 copies sold

Here comes a tale

illustrations Daniel Kondo
80 pages
Highly recommended reading (FNLIJ)
Selected for public libraries purchase
The stories in this book are adapted from those that were presented in the TV show “Lá vem a história”. When reading these thirty stories, from several different countries, divided into: tales to dream, to laugh and to be a bit afraid, children will have the opportunity to know a little about the places where these tales emerged. By sharing the imagination of other cultures, readers may also share dreams from children all over the world.
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Here comes a tale again

illustrations Daniel Kondo
80 pages
What is inside the sage's vault? What is the secret message of parrots? Who is the world’s most intelligent human being? The answers may be in a Himalayan tale, in a Persian fable or in a simple African story. This is a basic book for fascinating young readers.
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