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The Unforgettable Book of a Mad Knight

illustrations Jan Limpens
32 pages
Chosen for the Bolonha Book Fair Catalogue (FNLIJ)
Selected for public school purchase
Selected for the Minha Biblioteca program (São Paulo SME)
Highly recommended reading (FNLIJ)
Having as starting point the readings that Kim boy does of Miguel de Cervantes classic The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, the text provokes the reader: “In how many ways can one love a story?” Kim could not understand why his grandfather had given him the book claiming the adventures of that dizzy elderly man to be unmissable. He tried to get rid of the object, but only later realized other meanings for “unmissable”. From the perspective of the character Reading dynamics, the large frames of the illustrator capture the text mood when highlighting the book-reader relationship.
Book Review of the Brazilian National Children and Youth Book Foundation for the Bologna Children's Book Fair Catalogue
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